GK TRICK to REMEMBER 7 BASIC QUANTITIES OF PHYSICS/भौतिकी की 7 बुनियादी मात्राएँ याद रखने की ट्रिक

  • REMEMBER 7 BASIC QUANTITIES OF PHYSICS/भौतिकी की 7 बुनियादी मात्राएँ याद रखने की ट्रिक





·         Length - meter (m)



·         Amount of substance -mole(mole)



·         Time - second (s)




·         Electric current - ampere (A)



·         Mass - kilogram (kg)





·         Luminous intensity - candela (cd)



·         Temperature - kelvin (K)




Although the current International System of Units (SI, from French Système International d'Unités) was officially established in 1960, its origin dates back to the creation of the metric system during the French Revolution. Following an idea proposed a century earlier by John Wilkins1, the new system of weights and measures took as its starting point a single universal measure, the meter, and used it to define length, volume and mass. The meter came from a perceived constant of nature: one ten-millionth of the distance along the earth's meridian through Paris from the North Pole to the equator.2 The units of volume and mass were then defined, i.e. the liter 0.001 m^3 and the kilogram the mass of 1 liter of distilled water at 4 ° C. Subsequently, in 1799, two platinum artifact standards for length and mass based on these definitions were deposited in the Archives de la République in Paris. In the words of the Marquis de Condorcet, a new measuring system was born "for all times, for all people".

Seventy-six years later, the signing of the Counters Convention in 1875 established three international organizations: the General Conference on Weights and Measures (GFCM), the International Committee on Weights and Measures (CIPM), and the International Bureau of Weights and Measures measures (BIPM). They have been formally assigned the task of maintaining IS and continue to do so.
SI is a living and evolving system, changing as new insights and measurement needs emerge, albeit at times slowly relative to the rapid pace of scientific progress. For example, in the 18th and 19th centuries, when philosophers and natural scientists attempted to apply the system of length, mass and time, with the time defined by astronomical observations, to quantify newly discovered phenomena such as magnetism and electricity, and the concept of energy. they also discovered the need for new units of measurement. 

The likes of Carl Friedrich Gauss, Wilhelm Weber, James Clerk Maxwell, and Lord Kelvin, pioneers of the new science, helped expand the system and developed the conceptual framework of a coherent system with basic mechanical units from which to create derived units according to necessary. . The system included clear explanations on how to make the base units through measurement, and the coherent derived units were products of powers of the base units with a prefactor of 1.
the SI still has this fundamental framework, with 7 basic units (and associated definitions to make them happen) and 22 derived units with special names and symbols. spreading an international consensus built to advance the SI once again to reflect contemporary understanding of the physical world.

 The new future SI framework will no longer define seven base units and consistently derived units; instead it will adopt exact values ​​for seven fundamental constants of nature in which all SI units will be realized. Gone are the basic units and their definitions.

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