GK Tricks Important Passes of India/भारत के महत्वपूर्ण दर्रे

  Important Passes of India/भारत के महत्वपूर्ण दर्रे




Bu-Burjil Pass (Burjil Pass connects Srinagar to Gilgit! Which connects India to Central Asia)


Ka – Karakoram Pass (Karakoram Pass located in Ladakh region is the highest pass in India                    5624   meters, from here a road to China has been made!)


Pari – Pir Panjal Pass


Jo – Zojila Pass (The route from Srinagar to Leh passes through)


Bani-Banihal Pass (The route from Jammu to Srinagar passes through Banihal Pass, Jawahar                Tunnel is located in this)

Jamuri - located in Jammu - Kashmir



Sha-Shipki La Pass (connects Shimla with Tibet)

Ro - Rohtang Pass

B - Badalacha Pass

Himachal – located in Himachal Pradesh



Uttar – Located in Uttarakhand


Ma - Mana Pass ( Pilgrims go through Mana Pass to see Mansarovar Lake )


Li – Lipulekh Pass


Ni - Niti Pass



See – Situated in Sikkim


Jai – Jalep La Pass


N – Nathu La Pass





Aruna - Located in Arunachal Pradesh


Y-Yangdap Pass (Brahmaputra river enters India through this pass, from here there is a way to         go to China)


Di-Diphu Pass (It connects India with Myanmar)


Bo - Bomdila Pass (This pass connects Arunachal Pradesh with Lhasa, the capital of Tibet)

हिंदी में 

 जम्मू – कश्मीर के प्रमुख दर्रे

बुका पारी  जो बनी जमूरि 

बु – बुर्जिल दर्रा  ( बुर्जिल दर्रा श्रीनगर से गिलगित को जोडती है ! जो भारत को मध्य एशिया से जोडता है  )

का – काराकोरम दर्रा ( लद्दाख क्षेत्र में स्थित काराकोरम दर्रा भारत का सबसे ऊँचा दर्रा 5624 मीटर है , यहाँ से चीन को जाने वाली एक सड़क बनाई गयी है  )

पारी  – पीरपंजाल दर्रा 

जो – जोजिला दर्रा ( श्रीनगर से लेह जाने का मार्ग गुजरता है  )

बनी – बनिहाल दर्रा (बनिहाल दर्रे से जम्मू से श्रीनगर जाने का मार्ग गुजरता है , जवाहर सुरंग इसी में स्थित है  )

 जमूरि  – जम्मू – कश्मीर में स्थित

हिमाचल प्रदेश  के प्रमुख दर्रे

सरे बोलो हिमाचल 
 – शिपकी ला दर्रा ( शिमला को तिब्बत से जोडता है  ) 

रे  रोहतांग दर्रा

 – बडालाचा दर्रा

हिमाचल – हिमाचल प्रदेश में स्थित

 उत्तराखंड  के प्रमुख दर्रे 

उत्तर दे मालिनी 

उत्तरी – उत्तराखंड में स्थित

मा – माना दर्रा ( माना दर्रे से होकर तीर्थयात्री मानसरोवर झील के दर्शन हेतु जाते हैं ! )

लि – लिपुलेख दर्रा 

नी – नीति दर्रा

सिक्किम  के प्रमुख दर्रे 

सी जैन 

सी – सिक्किम  में स्थित

जै – जैलेप ला दर्रा 

 – नाथू ला दर्रा

 अरुणाचल प्रदेश  के प्रमुख दर्रे 

आरोन यदि बोला 

अरुणा -अरुणाचल प्रदेश में स्थित

 – यांग्दाप दर्रा ( ब्रम्हपुत्र नदी इसी दर्रे से होकर भारत में प्रवेश करती है , यहां से चीन जाने के लिये मार्ग है  )

दि – दिफ़ू दर्रा ( यह भारत को म्यांमार से जोडता है )

बो – बोमडिला दर्रा  ( यह दर्रा अरुणाचल प्रदेश को तिब्बत की राजधानी ल्हासा से जोड़ता है )

Some Important Informations (jammu and Kashmir passes)

Pass Name Description

Nathu La Pass It is located in the state of Sikkim. This famous pass is located on the border between India and China and was reopened in 2006. It is part of a branch of the ancient Silk Road. It is one of the trade border posts between India and China. Shipki La Pass It is located through the Sutlej gorge. It connects Himachal Pradesh with Tibet. It is India's third border post for trade with China after Lipu Lekh and Nathula Pass.

Jelep La Pass This pass runs through the Chumbi Valley. It connects Sikkim with Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.

Qara Tagh Pass It is located in the Karakoram mountains. It was a branch of the old Silk Road.


Some important information (Uttarakhand)


Traill Pass It is located in Uttarakhand. It is located at the end of the Pindari Glacier and connects the Pindari Valley with the Milam Valley. This pass is very steep and bumpy.

Lipu Lekh: Uttarakhand-Tibet It is located in Uttarakhand. Connect Uttarakhand with Tibet. This step is an important border post for trade with China. Manasarovar pilgrims travel through this pass.

Mana Pass: Uttarakhand-Tibet It is located in the Great Himalayas and connects Tibet with Uttarakhand. It stays under the snow for six months during the winter.

Mangsha Dhura Pass: Uttarakhand-Tibet The pass that connects Uttarakhand-Tibet is known for landslides. Manasarovar pilgrims cross this route. It is located in the Kuthi Valley. Muling La: Uttarakhand-Tibet It is located in the north of Gangotri, at a height of 5669 m in the Great Himalayas. This seasonal passage connecting Uttarakhand with Tibet remains covered in snow during the winter season. Niti Pass This pass connects Uttarakhand with Tibet. This too remains covered in snow during the winter season. Debsa Pass: the Spiti valley and the Parvati valley unite the Spiti valley and the Parvati valley. It is a high mountain pass between Kullu and Spiti of Himachal Pradesh. It is a bypass of the Pin-Parvati Pass.

Rohtang Pass: Kullu-Lahul-Spiti It is located in the state of Himachal Pradesh. It has excellent road transport. This passage connects Kullu, Spiti and Lahul.

Some Important Information ( Arunachal pardesh and Northeastern States)

Bomdi-La: Arunachal Pradesh-Lhasa The Bomdi-La pass connects Arunachal Pradesh with Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. It is located in eastern Bhutan. Dihang Pass: Arunachal Pradesh- Mandalay It is located in the northeastern states of Arunachal Pradesh. This passage connects Arunachal Pradesh with Myanmar (Mandalay). At a height of over 4000m, it provides passage.

Diphu Pass: Arunachal Pradesh- Mandalay Diphu Pass is a mountain pass around the area of ​​the disputed three-point borders of India, China and Myanmar. Diphu Pass is also a strategic point for eastern Arunachal Pradesh. It is located on the McMahon Line. In October 1960, China and Burma demarcated their border at Diphu Pass, which is 5 miles south of the mountain range basin. However, this caused a diplomatic quarrel with India, which foresaw the triple point to be on the watershed. The dispute became part of the ongoing border disagreement between China and India regarding Arunachal Pradesh.


Pangsau Pass It is located in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. This passage connects Arunachal Pradesh and Myanmar. The Pangsau Pass or Pan Saung Pass, at 1,136 m (3,727 ft) in elevation, sits atop the Patkai Hills on the border of India and Burma (Myanmar). The pass offers one of the easiest routes in Burma from the plains of Assam. It is named after the closest Burmese city, Pangsau, which is 2km beyond the pass to the east.

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