GK TRICK Easy/ Trick to remember Buddhist council and their king or patron/आसान ट्रिक बुद्धिस्ट कौंसिल को और (राजा/संरक्षक ) को याद करने का

Easy Trick to remember Buddhist council/ आसान ट्रिक बुद्धिस्ट कौंसिल और राजा को याद करने का 



           A   AK

Buddhist council



1st council



2nd council



3rd council



4th council



Some Extra Information

The Buddhist council that took place over the centuries changed the course of Buddhism and had an impact on the different traditions of Buddhism such as Theravada and early Mahayana Buddhism.
Buddhist councils are some of the important ones that change the flow of Buddhism. After Lord Buddha attained Parinirvana in Kushinagar, India, many senior monks, such as Mahakassyapa and Upali, engaged in the lectures, preaching of the Dharma and discipline of all Buddhist monks. The first historical Buddhist council is believed to have been held in the 5th century BC. C. (the date could change entirely), and was led by Ven. Mahakassyapa.
Buddhist councils held over several millennia have changed the course of Buddhism which has led to Buddhism today. One of the most important changes that occurred during the first Buddhist council was the formation of two of the oldest Buddhist schools, Mahayana and Theravada. The history of the early Buddhist schools shows many changes in Buddhism, such as the translation of many sutras and the original teachings of the Buddha. Over time, many Buddhist councils have been held over time and there are 4 major Buddhist councils that change the flow of Buddhism.

1.Ajatasattu or Ajatashatru

Ajatasattu or Ajatashatru in Buddhist tradition, or Kunika and Kuniya in Jain stories, was one of the most important kings of the Haryanka dynasty of Magadha in eastern India. He was the son of King Bimbisara and a contemporary of Mahavira and Gautama Buddha.
Born: Rajgir
Died: 461 BC
Parents: Bimbisara, Kosala Devi
Children: Udayin
Nationality: Indian
Great grandchild: Munda
Grandparents: Bimbi, Bhati

Kala Ahoka

In the Magadha dynasty, Kalashoka was the former Buddhist king of Pushpapuri (Peshawar). Kalasoka was king for 28 years. Shishunaga had moved the capital from Magadha to Vaishali.
Kalashoka succeeded Shishunaga, his father. Kalashoka once again moved the capital to Pataliputra.
According to Buddhist scriptures, King Kalashoka was the patron of the Buddhist Second Council, which met in Vaishali 100 years after Lord Buddha's Maha Parinirvana. However, despite King Kalashoka's best efforts, Buddhist distinctions persisted.
He divided his dominion of him among his 10 sons, who ruled at the same time. Apart from the Second Buddhist Council, which took place during his reign around 383 BC.
His reign will be known for the crucial episode of the definitive transfer of the capital from Magadhan to Pataliputra (today's Patna), a fortified city once built by Ajatashatru and his son Udaya.


Ashoka Asoka c. 304 - 232 BC, popularly known as Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Empire, son of Bindusara, who ruled almost the entire Indian subcontinent from c. from 268 to 232 BC Ashoka promoted the spread of Buddhism in ancient Asia

Born: Pataliputra
Died: 232 BC, Pataliputra
Spouse: Maharani Devi (m. 286 BC), Asandhimitra (m. 270 BC–240 BC), Tishyaraksha
Nationality: Indian
Full name: Ashoka Maurya
Grandchildren: Dasharatha Maurya, Samprati


Kanishka I, or Kanishka, was an emperor of the Kushan dynasty, under whose reign the empire reached its zenith. He is famous for his military, political, and spiritual achievements.

Born: 78 AD, Peshawar, Pakistan
Died: 144 AD
Full name: Kanishka I
Parents: Vima Kadphises
Children: Huvishka
Grandparent: Vima Takto
Great-grandparents: Kujula Kadphises, Heraios


हिंदी मै 

 AK      AK

बुद्धिस्ट कौंसिल 



1st कौंसिल


2nd कौंसिल



3rd कौंसिल


4th कौंसिल



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